Welcome to my Blog
In this Blog I aim to show how to make money in today’s online world, by sharing strategies and programs that have helped me.
But first, a little bit about me!
My name is Richard Staveley. I am a retired computer programmer living near Ilkley in West Yorkshire, near the River Wharfe (hence my nickname, Wharfeside!).
When I retired I decided to generate my own income rather than working for someone else. To this end, I signed up to a variety of what looked like lucrative income generation programs, for which I spent large amounts of money that I could barely afford, but which promised to make me, if not rich, at least comfortably off.
The result?
Nothing! Zilch! Apart from considerable debts!
That is, until I discovered a new approach. This didn’t involve parting with large amounts of money (in fact, any money at all), but it did and still does involve a daily work routine which aims to create small amounts of cash and then use these to generate more.
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