If you follow my blog you will find lots of recommendations for money-making programs that can generate a decent income for anyone. The problem is that most of them require at least a small initial investment.
What do you do if you have no money to spare at all? How can you get that initial investment to set you on your way?
The answer is a brilliant, free-to-join program called CoinPayu. Read on to discover how to make money with this program.
Why do I recommend CoinPayu? There are several reasons:
- It is free to join.
- It offers several ways to make money.
- The minimum withdrawal amount is only $1 so you won’t be waiting for months to be able to withdraw your earnings.
- It is a reliable payer – I have personally withdrawn several times with no problems.
- How much work you put in is entirely up to you. You can stick to just clicking ads but if you have the time and the inclination you can earn much faster by doing surveys, clicking on offers and so on.
Firstly, click this link to get to the CoinPayu sign-up page:

All you need to do is provide your email address, a password (make sure you don’t forget it!), confirm your password, agree to the ToS and PP, and click Register. Your account will be created.
(Please note: the following images are correct as of March 2025. Like many programs, CoinPayu has a habit of changing things around from time to time, however the changes are cosmetic – the underlying processes do not change).
You will be presented with the Dashboard (of course, to start with all the entries will be zero):

Your earnings are represented as coins. One coin is equal to a tenth of a cent, so 1,000 coins make a dollar. So my current balance of 9,227 coins equates to $9.227.
Here are the ways to make money using CoinPayu.
Click on Ads
Click on the Browsing prompt in the left side menu:

You will be presented with two types of ad – frameless ads and framed ads. There are usually many more frameless ads, but it is well worth clicking on both types one after the other.

Here is the result of clicking on Frameless ads.

You can see that I have already clicked on some of the ads (the ones that are greyed out), the clickable ads are in orange. Click on one and the ad will be opened in a new tab. A timer will appear in the main CoinPayu tab, and when this timer reaches zero you can close the ad page and you will be credited for clicking the ad.

If you select Framed Ads you will be shown a screen similar to this:

You will notice that there are 2 Framed Ads in total, and I have already clicked one of them (greyed out). When I click the orange ad it will open in a new tab, but instead of a timer there will be a coloured line running from the left at the top of the screen. When this line reaches the right hand side of the screen you can close the ad and you will be credited.
Click on the ‘Offers’ prompt in the left-hand menu:

You will be presented with a page full of offers that you can complete to earn coins. Most of these will involve playing games on a mobile phone. Since I detest computer games I have rarely indulged in these, but if you are happy to play them they can provide decent income for you.

Surveys are another way of increasing your earnings on CoinPayu, and I do use them extensively. There are several different Coinpayu partners whose names will be listed in this section – you can select whichever ones you prefer and complete the surveys they offer.
A couple of words of caution. Do answer the questions honestly, since the survey creators do sometimes add questions to catch out cheaters, so it is also important to read the questions carefully – don’t claim to have walked on the moon in the past week, for example!
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