How to Import a Page into LeadsLeap

It is comparatively easy to import a web page into LeadsLeap, provided you have a Share code for the page.

though sometimes the Page- prefix is missing. The length of the share code varies, but is typically 10 to 13 characters (not including the prefix).

LeadsLeap is a free-to-join online marketing program which provides a multitude of features that are designed to assist the internet marketer. These include a page manager, an autoresponder, a tracking system and various other useful tools.

In order to import a page, the first prerequisite is, of course, to join the program. The free version does have various restrictions, whereas the Pro version (cost at present $27 per month) includes access to all features.

Import the Page
The first step is to click on ‘Page Manager’ in the menu on the left of the LeadsLeap home page:

This will open the Page Manager page, where the first prompt is for you to add a new Page Campaign:

Click on this prompt and enter a name for the page (visitors to the page will not see this name). When you have decided on a name, click on Add Now.

Click on the Add New Page Design prompt:

And when the following prompt appears:

Enter the Share Code in the box provided, then click the blue Import Now button.

The page is now imported into your page manager. Now the important thing is to personalise the page. Feel free to make any changes you wish to colours, shapes, text etc. (if you make a mistake you can always delete your effort and import the original page again).

Essential Changes to the Page

To make alterations, click on the ‘Launch Editor’ button:

This will bring up the page in edit mode, and you can make any changes you wish.

If the page is an opt-in page (i.e. you are directing the viewer to an email list you have created rather than a sales page), then you must change the list-id to that of your own list. The list-id is specified in the List box at the top left of the editor screen:

Click on the box and change the list-id (you can use the Get List ID button to help find the relevant list ID).

One very important change that you must make is to alter any ‘call to action’ such as buttons and/or images that the visitor can click to take him to a sales page. If you don’t do this, then any visitor would be taken to my sales page (I don’t mind this, of course, but it wouldn’t help you!).

Click on the button element and check the entry on the right hand side of the screen – it will look something like this:

You must change the Go To: value to your own affiliate link.

Click on the green Save button frequently, otherwise there is a danger that you might lose the changes you have made.

When you return to the Page Manager screen, you will see an entry below the page name which will look like this:

Click on the green Save button frequently, otherwise there is a danger that you might lose the changes you have made.

When you return to the Page Manager screen, you will see an entry below the page name which will look like this:

The URL in blue is the URL that you should supply to prospective viewers so they can look at your page. When you do this, you can add a ‘source’ to the URL so you know where the viewer came from, for example the URL would tell you that the page was accessed from Facebook, and this would be reflected in the Stats for the page (view the stats by clicking the graph button).

Adding an Extra Design to the Page

Sometimes a LeadsLeap page has more than one design. For example, a page promoting a particular offer can have multiple designs which are different but have the same function. These ‘additional’ designs are easy to import into LeadsLeap.

If you find that the page you want to import contains two or more designs (e.g. has multiple share codes) then when you have imported the first design, click on the ‘+’ button to the right of the page name:

This will produce the following prompt:

Enter the share code in the box provided and click ‘Import Now’. The new page design will be added and you can alter the design as described above.

Note that when a page contains multiple designs, when a user clicks on the page URL one of the designs will be displayed at random.

Do feel free to have a play around with LeadsLeap and look into the various features it provides. There is a comprehensive Tutorial for each feature which gives very full instructions on how to use each tool within the program.

I have been a Pro member of LeadsLeap for more years than I care to remember, and I have always found it an invaluable tool in my marketing efforts.